Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Antique glass beads from the '30s are matched with a brooch make in Finland to form a stunning set. The beads were restrung by Mahlah Holden of Quincy and the brooch was a Salvation Army on Sutro St. find. This is a really stunning set. It dresses up or down but your neckline has to be something less a turtle neck, otherwise it rides well on a long sleeve Tee. Can you imagine this much glamour can be worn casually around town without fear of personal attack?

I like to wear brooches with necklaces. It updates them. I mean how many people want to wear a brooch on their coat lapels any more? That's pretty fuddy duddy. And yet most brooches are too heavy to wear just on your blouse. The necklace helps support the weight of a heavy brooch while giving it a modern feel. Here a very old fashion brooch, made in Japan, is update with a modern chain from TJ Max.

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