Wednesday, January 16, 2013

pretty penny

A bracelet made with old buttons (available at Plumas Arts in Quincy) and a chain from the Nifty Thrifty (in Portola) make a "Pretty as a Penny" combo when worn together. I love to find things that match truly by accident and when you have a collection like mine you can't remember every piece so you just get this "feeling" that something goes with something you have and as long as you love it and can afford it you just make the purchase and figure the connection out later. I don't know how many times this has happened to me. I see something and get a sort of electric feeling but can't place the source. Sometimes a piece will go perfectly with some item of clothing I have, but usually it goes with another piece of jewelry.

This is fun, when it happens, and particularly rewarding with rings. If you know me, you know I like to wear lots of rings stacked together. And I get bored with the same combinations very quickly. So when I find a new ring that changes the way a favorite stack looks, it makes my week, or month, or sometimes year. Rings that you can stand to wear day after day are rare so I rarely ignore that ringing feeling about a ring.

But I do love any kind of coincidental matching finds. I'll try to feature them as we go along. When you make a good match you feel like the gods are with you. Like you are lucky. And really, when you think about the world we live in today, how often do we really get to feel lucky, in a good way, not like in an "oh thank god I didn't hit that pedestrian because I was texting on my cell" kinda way?

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