Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The necklace in this picture is made of Faberge Egg charms and once belonged to the Queen Marie of Romania. It now belongs to Joan Rivers, the comedienne, who now has a jewelry business replicating famous jewels like the ones on the necklace.

I rarely make jewelry. I'm just no good at it most of the time, but when I pick a project its always a doozy. Now Joan makes things simple for people like me who want to own the Queen Marie's necklace. She has little work men somewhere making replicas of each of the Faberge charms which you can collect and buy off her website. But I decide to make a Queen Marie necklace without Joan. Rather I would just use charms that I had and an old watch chain that I bought years ago with this project in mind at an estate sale in Greenville.

The chain was the hardest thing to make. I had to add spring clasps every couple of inches to the watch chain which had very small holes and it was a mystery every time whether I could fit the jump ring into the chain and continue at all. This took days.

When I was done I realized I had many more charms than clasps to hold them. So I had to narrow my selection down to the best and the things that most matched the original necklace. It was really had to choose the charms. I got rid of all the junky stuff, but I still had too many!

Anyway this is how mine turned out. It looks better on. In fact I've never worn it and not gotten a compliment. I'll try and get someone to take a picture of me wearing it. There's no one around to use as a model.

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