Monday, January 21, 2013


If our society were suddenly lost and then rediscovered 2000 years later, those latter day archaeologists would encounter all these hearts everywhere and wonder what they meant. Even if they connected our heart symbols with our physical hearts (which is not a given) they may believe we were obsessed with avoiding heart attacks. This romantic symbol may become quite a puzzle to those people of the future. Long life, healthy hearts, riches, could all come before love. But while hearts mean love I'll continue to collect them with a passion.

The hearts on this chain are just a few of my favorites. Most are lockets. One's an actual lock. The key at the end rides down your back and is an effective counter weight to help the rest of the necklace ride true. Most of these hearts I've had for many years. I had a friend in Hawaii who had a necklace similar to this except all the hearts were Victorian. I loved it. So one day I finally decided to put my hearts together to get a similar effect. And while clearly more '50's than Victorian, the look is pretty cool.

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